Hákon Jóhannesson
Hákon Jóhannesson
Hákon Jóhannesson
Hákon graduated from the Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2018 with a BA degree in acting. Since his graduation he has been working in several theater’s in Iceland including Leikfélag Akureyrar, The National Theatre Of Iceland and Iceland City Theatre. Among theater roles he has played are Emcee in Cabaret, Demetrius in A Midsummer’s Night Dream and more. In TV he has appeared in series such as True Detective: Night Country(2024), Balls(2023), Blackport(2022), Stella Blomkvist(2020) and The Valhalla Murders(2019). He then played in the films Redux(2023), Auður(2023) and starred in short film Sorrow Eats The Heart(2023).
Hákon Jóhannesson útskrifaðist af leikarabraut Listaháskóla Íslands vorið 2018. Fyrsta verkefni hans eftir útskrift var hlutverk skemmtanastjórans í söngleiknum Kabarett hjá Leikfélagi Akureyrar. Síðan þá hefur hann leikið hjá bæði Þjóðleikhúsinu og Borgarleikhúsinu ýmis hlutverk. Af sjónvarpsverkefnum sem Hákon hefur leikið í má nefna True Detective, Aftureldingu, Verbúðina og Brot.
Hákon graduated from the Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2018 with a BA degree in acting. Since his graduation he has been working in several theater’s in Iceland including Leikfélag Akureyrar, The National Theatre Of Iceland and Iceland City Theatre. Among theater roles he has played are Emcee in Cabaret, Demetrius in A Midsummer’s Night Dream and more. In TV he has appeared in series such as True Detective: Night Country(2024), Balls(2023), Blackport(2022), Stella Blomkvist(2020) and The Valhalla Murders(2019). He then played in the films Redux(2023), Auður(2023) and starred in short film Sorrow Eats The Heart(2023).
Hákon Jóhannesson útskrifaðist af leikarabraut Listaháskóla Íslands vorið 2018. Fyrsta verkefni hans eftir útskrift var hlutverk skemmtanastjórans í söngleiknum Kabarett hjá Leikfélagi Akureyrar. Síðan þá hefur hann leikið hjá bæði Þjóðleikhúsinu og Borgarleikhúsinu ýmis hlutverk. Af sjónvarpsverkefnum sem Hákon hefur leikið í má nefna True Detective, Aftureldingu, Verbúðina og Brot.
Hákon graduated from the Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2018 with a BA degree in acting. Since his graduation he has been working in several theater’s in Iceland including Leikfélag Akureyrar, The National Theatre Of Iceland and Iceland City Theatre. Among theater roles he has played are Emcee in Cabaret, Demetrius in A Midsummer’s Night Dream and more. In TV he has appeared in series such as True Detective: Night Country(2024), Balls(2023), Blackport(2022), Stella Blomkvist(2020) and The Valhalla Murders(2019). He then played in the films Redux(2023), Auður(2023) and starred in short film Sorrow Eats The Heart(2023).
Hákon Jóhannesson útskrifaðist af leikarabraut Listaháskóla Íslands vorið 2018. Fyrsta verkefni hans eftir útskrift var hlutverk skemmtanastjórans í söngleiknum Kabarett hjá Leikfélagi Akureyrar. Síðan þá hefur hann leikið hjá bæði Þjóðleikhúsinu og Borgarleikhúsinu ýmis hlutverk. Af sjónvarpsverkefnum sem Hákon hefur leikið í má nefna True Detective, Aftureldingu, Verbúðina og Brot.
Reykjavik, Iceland
Reykjavik, Iceland
Reykjavik, Iceland